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The color blue can be seen 

as sad,unhappy, and or 

sorrowful. Also, you can view 

the color blue as loyalty, 

confidences, and or trustful.

I choose to use hands to 

represent as my past because

it is change and letting go. As

of right now our present is 

Covid, so I show you a girl 

with a mask on and you only

being able to see one of her 

eye. My future would be 

graduating in 2023 and being successful in my career. "YOU" is my sign because if you wanted it done or if you have this vision in your head then it starts with you. It is a shadow

that look like a mini monster 

or half of heart it does depends 

on your perspective. You are looking through the book just as in life you have to flip through every pages and chapters in your life. The movement in the last image are masks being thrown in the air as being hopeful that one day we could stop wearing masks.

2020 Annalisse Zamarripa

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